Saturday, August 31, 2013

I have done what I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD DO: PART V -- the last sitting on 6th of March 2014

On the 6th of March - when the cats go nuts - my favorite Tattoo-Artist, David - the ONLY tattoo artist I know, finished My Sweet Saraswati: more shading behind the wings, and a burning lotus mandala behind her:

On the 19th of December, my favorite Tattoo-artist, David (my only Tattoo-artist, ok?) did the finishing touches on Saraswati's jewelry, highlights and border of skirt as well as lotus, and her little lotus feet! Compare that with stage one directly below it.  At the bottom of this post, the Tattoo-artist himself!

Saraswati - Western Style by
super-skilled DAVID of
OpenArms Tattoo, Sweden
David, of the above named studio, not only researched all the intricate details (look at her hands), he concluded that the swan must be a singing swan and no other kind, he also configured her as a western modern (!) woman. He then convinced me to go BIG and BRAVE.  The lady covers me from shoulder down to last rib (and fat) and somewhat across the vertebrae.
Almost 3 hours of prickling and pain which was hardly noticable due to me listening to the biography of Nagarjuna the Great. 
So now I have my protector, yidam and muse of arts, music, learning and science, watching my back 24/7/365.

This lady is going to get color eventually - I will keep you posted.

HERE IS PICTURE 2 - - with some coloring:
the green and shading done last friday - 11 oct.

And NOW - 29 nov - 3rd sitting, the skirt, the skin and the bird:

(Above the third sitting)
David of Open Arms Tattoo and Piercing, Viggan, Sweden

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