NOT to have humor, should be a cardinal sin - in any situation!
Here follows a few good ones that I HAVE NO COPY RIGHT TO - but have gotten over the years from friends and foes. DEAR ORIGINATOR -- please accept my humble apologies for not giving you credit other than what the picture might state somewhere.
My friends: contribute!
Here are the latest...
Thank you Pavrita for this one:
Thank you Pavrita for this one! |
Yesterday - 21 nov - I got this from a friend - took me a while to get it:
A new (Sept 2014) one here:
This one - is kind of weird... but we are all ego-tists and as such I recongnize this, just when you got "it" you loose "it":
Oh. Sure, this is how it is on the first couple of days of a reatreat:
Perhaps not entirely Buddhist - but I wish it was that easy:
Ok- we should not bliss-out... but ego should dissapear:
Took me while to get this one, but it is a good one:
And one more - same theme:
Zen-inspired garden -- for beginners...
This is the kind of cross-word that even I can do.
No attachements here.
2 - if you do not get the first one, you may get the secondone:
I want one - a zen gps that is.
Don't know if this qualifies as a cartoon - but I definately, desperately need this book:
These two next - might not be entirely super-Buddhist, but this MAY happen:
Old school - but cool:
I knew it - they watch it too:
And if it IS your body - try liking what you have, precious human birth and all:
By popular demand, itis now on tv:
This is one is a bit lame I think:
Oh it is THIS easy!
Sure do!
A classic:
My dogs do it:
If you have a chance - check this beauty out:
For those of you who understand Swedish:
and a variant on the same:
and the classic jokes:
So a monk pays for a hotdog, the vendor takes his money and turns away. "Hey", says the monk. "Where's my change?". The vendor looks up and says "Change comes from within"
...and how about the Buddhist Vacuum Cleaner? Comes without attachments.